A juicer comes in handy when trying to juice "hard" vegetables, such as carrots and beets, as well as vegetables with a lot of cellulose (an indigestible fibre) such as celery. But even if you're not ready to take the step and purchase a juicer, you can still reap the benefits of raw fruits and veggies through your blender. It just means you'll need to focus on more leafy green ingredients and fruits.
Why should I juice or make smoothies?
We need a tonne of raw fruits and vegetables in our diet, and for most of us, it's very difficult to consume the optimal amount on a daily basis. By juicing or making smoothies, you're taking a large quantity of fruits and vegetables and compacting it into an easily digestible form. Also, it's important to remember that most of the nutrients within a plant are found within the plant's cells. We need to break open these cells to access the nutrients. This takes A LOT of chewing if we were to eat them! Juicing and blending speeds up the process for us by breaking open the cell walls of the plant - this is also why it's important to consume juices/smoothies within a few hours of making them.

Every morning I drink a smoothie or I juice. It's part of my daily routine and it really is EASY! Even if I don't have the time or the ingredients to juice, I will throw a few fruits and some leafy greens into the blender with some almond milk or water. Within a few days you will start to feel a difference in your energy, sleeping habits, mood, and overall sense of well-being.
I highly recommend that you get out there - juice, blend, and feel amazing! Feel free to contact me if you are interested in some smoothie / juicing recipes to get you started.
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